This is one of the prestigious projects of Vydhyanadh taken up since its inception in the year 2009. As part of its mission to spread love & care for the community around, Vydhyanadh decided to distribute 2000 blankets every year with help of kind hearted donors. This is a unique program, where volunteers will search for real needy who are sleeping on the roads at mid-nights and cover them with a warm blanket without even disturbing their sleep. As of 2019, Vydhyanadh is able to distribute more than 18,000 blankets across the country and this mission will be continued every year. Further, whenever natural calamities hit any parts of the country, Vydhyanadh normally provide blankets to the affected people. Andhrapradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Arunachala Pradesh and Nepal are the few places till now we have helped the affected people with blankets.